The Aeroclean® process

With the Aeroclean® process developed by Gesec, you can ensure that your room air system meets the microbiological and contamination-relevant parameters of VDI Guideline 6022 after cleaning. You can also minimize the costs of any repair work and possible interruptions to operation by carrying out regular cleaning.

In the Aeroclean® process, we develop the right solution for you based on the methods of the VDI 6022 guideline: a fast, efficient, and environmentally friendly technique that sustainably ensures your indoor air quality and excludes damage caused by residual moisture. Because hardly any disassembly work is required, we can minimize the downtimes of your plant with our system. Our experienced specialists work using state-of-the-art equipment in dry, wet, steam, suction or blasting processes. The removed deposits are disposed of professionally.

The cleaning and care agents used are environmentally friendly and almost 100 percent biodegradable.

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