Training courses and seminars

Hygiene and quality management systems only produce the desired success when all participants adhere to them. Those who understand why hygiene measures are important usually stick to them. That is why staff training courses and continuous professional development are so important. In the food industry, regular training courses are even required by law.

Understanding and correctly applying hygiene measures.

The Gesa Hygiene-Gruppe training and qualification program includes:

  • HACCP training courses for specialist staff and managers
  • Seminars and training courses on specific subjects (e.g. food legislation, HACCP guidelines, cleaning and disinfection, microbiological topics and pest management, etc.)
  • Hygiene training courses in accordance with DIN 10514 (e.g. industrial hygiene, production hygiene, personal hygiene and storage hygiene, etc.) for various target groups (management, specialist staff, auxiliary staff, dishwashing personnel and cleaners, etc.)
  • Infection control courses and annual German Infection Protection Act (IfSG) briefings in accordance with Section 43 of the IfSG
  • Train the trainer courses
  • Occupational safety training courses

When introducing hygiene and quality management systems or HACCP concepts, these training courses take place alongside the project. We provide our qualification measures and training courses as required, for an hour or a whole week, and using the latest methods. This means we focus less on traditional classroom teaching methods and more on interactive learning and other teaching formats appropriate to the target group in question. We adapt the language used to the respective target group.

The benefits for you:

Your employees understand hygiene-critical processes better and adhere to them. Our training courses are fun for your staff and boost their motivation. After all, everyone learns better with enthusiasm.

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