Hotel & catering

Hotel and catering companies are like a second home for many travellers. Like at home though, you like to feel comfortable and hygienically safe. The experts at Gesa Hygiene-Gruppe will help you make your guests feel comfortable and want to come back.

The modern hotel industry requires comprehensive hygiene solutions

The hotel sector continues to expand. With increasing demand however, the requirements of guests also increase. Air conditioning now comes as standard even in budget hotels. This means however that the quality of the indoor climate is significantly affected by the HVAC system and requires regular inspections and cleaning. It is not just the building itself that can affect the quality of the stay however. International streams of visitors also create new challenges in terms of pest management.

Public areas as a business card

Like the bedrooms, the public areas are also an important component of the corporate identity. For decades, washrooms have been a company's secret business card. With regular, in-depth hygiene treatments, you guarantee that your positive image will be effective in all areas. With our technical in-depth hygiene for commercial kitchens, not only can your guests enjoy your culinary delights, they can also be safe in the knowledge that you are working to the highest level in terms of hygiene.

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